1. Hemp Nuts: The Regional Superfood.

    Since these days more and more people give preference to ecologically and sustainably produced food, the word "superfoods" has been on everyone's lips for quite a while. But what exactly are superfoods? We use the term superfood for the kind of food that can give the body certain nutrients, active ingredients or vital substances in higher quantities and thereby provide a greater health benefit. Superfoods are some of the most nutrient-rich and effective foods a person can eat. These foods should be as natural as possible - ideally they are organically grown.

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  2. The Hemp Manifesto

    Hemp has a huge potential to create a greener and more sustainable economy. With this in mind the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) published The Hemp Manifesto. It delivers precise and sustainable solutions for nutritious food, environmentally friendly non-food products, clean air and soils. Moreover, it represents an interesting crop from an economic point of view: in a mature hemp value chain, withadapted varieties and the possibility to harvest the whole plant (flowers/seeds, leaves and stalks), the economic benefits for farmers and the environment would be undeniable.

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